Sunday, December 26, 2010


Hello All!
I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. Nick&I did not decorate our apartment or get a Christmas tree. We even decided not to get each other anything, since we get each other a lot of stuff throughout the year. Also, because we are going back to Ohio on the 30th we decided not to have any of our Christmas gifts sent here, so that our family and friends could see us open their gifts, and we could see them open the gifts we got for them. Don't worry though, it wasn't sad around here. We cooked some holiday treats, and we took time to remember that Christmas isn't about the gifts, it's about spending time with loved ones&remembering that Christmas is Jesus Christs birth day.

For those of you thinking, wait you have PCOS&need to be careful about what you eat. Don't worry. We used, low fat, fat free, sugar substitutes, ect. So they are all healthy, and guess what, no one could taste the difference. Today, the day after Christmas we are being hit by a nice snow storm. The Norfolk area is expected to get 10-15 inches, and the Virginia Beach area 5-10 inches.

Well that is all for now! I will write again after New Years!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


This Thanksgiving I decided to make my first turkey and it turned out great! We had Nicks friend Mark Cornish over. Mark has been over every weekend for 3 weeks now. He is new to the ship and lives on it. Nick and I are considering asking him to live with us. Of course since he is not getting BAH we will only ask him for money to do his laundry, money for groceries,and that he pick up after himself some. He is a real nice guy and very clean. I don't see the problem, it's just bringing it up.

I had some blood tests done for PCOS. They came back showing what my doctor called "Per-PCOS". So I have an appointment the 1st to talk to my OBGYN about this more. I just want to make sure I understand all this, and that the course of action I've picked is the right one.
Today was the big Ohio State Michigan game. I am Ohio State all the way, and Nick is Michigan. Of course Ohio won! I wish I had pictures to show of our Thanksgiving. I took some but our camera decided not to save them to our memory card. We will be going to see the Holiday lights at the beach soon. Other than that nothing much is happening. I'm still looking for a job and Nick still feels the same about ship life.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010

Sorry it's been so long. We have been pretty busy and time just seemed to fly by. My in-laws came to visit for a few days during the summer. We went to see the Old Cape Henry Light House, and did a lot of shopping. Then the following week my mom, dad, grandma, and sister came down for a few days. We took them to see the Light House as well. My sister stayed with us for a week because she had a dance competition here. She did a good job and I'm so proud of her. My husband finished C-school in October so we went back to Ohio for a while. While we were in Ohio I went to see my dentist and I have to get my bottom two wisdom teeth taken out. We came back 2 days before he had to report to his ship. He seems to be liking it on the ship, he says the only problem is the beds. He says he might as well be sleeping in a cardboard box. It's too little for him.

Shortly after getting back from Ohio I went to see my doctor. I had been having some pretty intense pelvic pains, they were so bad I was crying and couldn't walk. The doctor did his thing and told me it sounds and feels like a cyst on my ovary's. So he sent me to get two pelvic ultrasounds, then sent me to see an OB/GYN. There the doctor examined me again, then told me to get dressed and wait in his office because "We need to talk." Needless to say I was thinking "Oh Crap!" It's never good when a man says those four words, it's even worse when it comes from a doctor. He told me that both of my ovary's are enlarged with multiple cysts, and that after seeing the ultrasounds and blood work, he believes I have Polycystic Ovary Disease or PCOS. So now I am trying to lose at least 10 pounds, I am being put on a new birth control pill, and I have to start eating better. My doctor said there is really nothing I can do. I'll always have PCOS so all I can do is manage the side effects.

Let's see what else. Oh! I transferred from Liberty University Online to Ashford University Online. My current GPA there is  3.85. We tried to adopt a dog but within 5 minutes our cat, Allie had him bleeding in 3 different places. She didn't even have to see him before she started hissing. 

Right now I am waiting to hear about a teacher's assistant job at a school called La Petite Academy. Other than that not much else is going on. I'll upload some picture from the summer. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2, 2010

Hey, hope everyone had a good and safe Memorial Day weekend. I know I did! We spent time by the pool, and time together. We went to a cook-out Monday with a few people he worked with. My husband starts the check-in process for C-school today. Have some school work to do, luckily one of them aren't due for another few weeks. The only problem is now to force myself to read this long boring article and write a review over it. My grandma said a few things that, well upset me. All I want to do now is lay in bed and cry. She said that she thinks all these issues my parents have now, and my sister being mouthy and getting in trouble is all because I left. She also said they only reason her and my sister aren't getting the help or things they want or need is because I'm not there. It really hurt. My husband said I shouldn't feel bad, that it isn't my job to take care of them or babysit my parents.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday May 27,2010

Well it is 9:19 am and about an hour ago my husband called me. He passed his exam and will become an IT3 in June or July. All I have to say about that is thank heavens I don't have to worry about that anymore. Yesterday, we received mail for someone who lives in the building next to us and because no one answered when I went to drop it off, I took it to the front office. While in the front office I told them that it has been 2 weeks since someone came to fix out toilet but no one has came back to re-cock it, and that the light in the kitchen has stopped working the night before. They said they would send someone out today, so we will see. Usually someone comes out by 11:30 am. I really hope someone does, I have tried being nice to get someone to come finish the toilet, I have tried everything but being a hateful bitch. I don't like when I have to be a hateful bitch. But before I do that I will let my husband take a try at getting someone to come out.

I have all my school work for the week finished. My bathing suite should be here today, but the book I forgot to order for one of my classes wont be here until at least June 2. I got a sunburn yesterday, its not the worst I've ever had but it still hurts. Last night my husband put his arm under my arm and neck and of course our arms got stuck together so when I went to pull away it was worse than pulling a band aid off. Then we found a flea on our cat Allie. So now we have planned to give Allie a flea bath, wash all the sheets on our bed and our guest bed, then find something we can use to get rid of fleas and their eggs without sending chemicals to the upstairs apartments. Well I'll be back later.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26,2010

Hello world! This is my first blog, so I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sarah Dean. I am 19 years old and a navy wife. My husband and I married when I was 18 and he was 20. We have been married for a year and 4 months. Our marriage has been very good thus far and I hope to keep it that way. I am going to college at Liberty University Online. I am majoring in Education and minoring in Business. My husband is an IT in the Navy and has been on shore duty for 2 years. He will be going to C-school in June and by September or October he will be on the USS Bataan. Needless to say I am scared to death. I have heard horror stories of peoples marriages falling apart because of deployments, or the husband treating his wife like one of the boys. However, we are hoping by him being on a ship he can decide if he wants to stay in the Navy or not.

We both come from a small town in Southern Ohio called Latham. He graduated with the class of 2007 and I graduated with the class of 2009. We do not have any kids, but we do have a cat. Tomorrow my husband finds out if he will advance from an E3 to E4, which will make him a petty officer. I have a Facebook and Myspace. and .

Hope everyone will keep reading my posts. I plan on posting at least once a day. Thanks!